Tuesday, June 30, 2009

War Torn

Since i have moved over to c# and started learning Microsoft's xna I have begun work on a real project I call War Torn. It's a third person sci-fi future based in a universe of my own creating. So far things are progressing nicely with basic camera, controls, inventory, equipment and animations functioning its looking to be quite a promising project. I have some dedicated artist on board who share my vision and are willing to work hard toward completing this project. I'll have more updates soon.


Izak Flash Man said...

I don't remember agreeing to work hard. XD. Ha ha. All G. Lets see if this goes further than games4you. =P

Im keen for it to actually. I want my sketches to come to life.

Hayden said...

Ha i have not given up on my past ideas just put them in the closet for later.