Monday, February 25, 2008

Mystic Dream Update

Well been a while since I have posted anything but here goes. I finished my item editor a while back which Is a great feat. Now I have almost completed the magic editor as well it is officially at 95% done. The magic editor uses similar controls and layout to physically construct and alter magical powers. You can add effects, manipulate animation and qualities of the powers then export them. My next editor will be the world editor allowing the construction and modification of environments plus it allows you to place items, enemies and objects in the world.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Mystic Dream Item Editor

Yes it is nearly complete infact 95% to be exact and as of this day it is fully function in the sense that it can make items and save them out ready to be played with. Yes thats right there will be no more changes the item files that this editor makes will be used in the final official full game. All that remains is the finishing off of my point system which determines how powerful you can make your items. It is a very powerful tool with a simple interface so easy anyone will be able to make their own items. All the game editors will be packaged up with the game when it releases meaning straight away people will have the chance to have their say in the gameplay.