Tuesday, November 20, 2007

User created content

User created content and game customisation are definitely features which set one game a part from another. Role playing games have been allowing players to create their game character for many a year but now some games are allowing even more in depth control. Items, environments, weather conditions even game mechanics are opening up new ways to interact in a game world and allowing new experiences from old ones. So how far could this go and when should developers say this level of control is too much? What sorts of ways can we allow users to have their impact on a game? Just things to think about I would love your comments on this topic.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Mystic Dream Progress 6/11/07

Well I though this would be a good time for another update on my project. All is coming along nicely the core functionality of the game engine is coming together and im nearing an announcement to reveal just what my engine can do. I have rebuilt how weather and locations are loaded and handled by the system also adding in support for sky types which include both day and night although I have yet to devise a system to transition between day and night skys yet. All the player to non player interactions are complete but i still have to re implement my quest system and add the improvements. Items have been redesigned and added to the engine although there is a bit of work to be done with them before I would call it complete. So the last task will be finishing quest system, items and of course my magic system.